Keynote Speech

Park, Jong Hyun

Human Life Innovation via DNA
(Data-Network-AI) convergence

Human life innovation via DNA(Data-Network-AI) convergence technology is playing a leading role in improving the safety and quality of people’s life by performing research & development, which will realize consumer-oriented new manufacturing and energy industry ecosystem, create a smart city and intelligent transport/logistics ICT infrastructure, realize a new generation of medical intelligence for realizing 100 years of health and accomplish public/industrial safety. And it is also focusing on intelligent cyber security core technologies that block sophisticated and automated hacking. In this talk, we will provide a brief overview of the use of AI in terms of upgrading the social infrastructure through DNA convergence and shares interesting applications such as AI medical, defense, and IoT(Internet of Things).


Senior Vice President PARK, Jong Hyun

From 2011 to 2012 he was a President in Korea Spatial Information Society. From 2013 to 2016 he was a Senior Vice President in Convergence Research Laboratory at ETRI (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute). From 2015 to 2017 he was an Advisory Member in Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, South Korea. From 2015 to 2017 he was an Advisory Member in Presidential Advisory Council on Science & Technology (Civil and Military Technical Cooperation Special Committee), South Korea. From 2015 to now he is a Special President in Korea Multimedia Society. From 2018 to now he is a Non-executive Director in National Research Foundation of Korea. He is a Senior Vice President in Intelligent Convergence Research Laboratory at ETRI since 2019.